
Izvještaj sa maratona


U subotu, 26.09.2009. u organizaciji planinarskog kluba Vjeverica iz Kotora, održan je prvi pješački maraton Kotor - Lovćen - Kotor. U manifestaciji je ucestvovalo ukupno 186 ucesnika/ca.

Najviše je bilo učesnika/ca iz kotorskih srednjih škola, a najstariji učesnik je imao 62 godine.

Na manifestaciji su uzeli ucešće, predstavnici: planinarskih klubova Pestingrad iz Kotora i Gorica iz Podgorice, Vatrogasne jedinice Kotor, košarkaskog kluba Kotor, odbojkaškog kluba Gimnazijalac i džiju-džicu kluba Soko iz Kotora.

Najbolje vrijeme pješačenja je imao Krsto Radović iz Herceg Novog, koji je trasu od Gudrića tj. "morske pjene" pa do Njegoševog mauzoleja (1657 met n.v.) i nazad prepješačio za 5h 19min. Odmah za njim je bio Srdjan Šantić iz Kotora sa 5h 27min te Miroslav Vinduška i Vule Ćirović, oba iz Herceg Novog za 5h 55min.

Mi, iz planinarskog kluba Vjeverica, srećni smo i zadovoljni sto smo postigli glavni cilj koji je bio promovisanje pješačenja kroz prirodu i boravka u prirodi kao vida zdravog života te ocuvanja i zaštite životne sredine.

Moramo da napomenemo da nam je veoma žao što mediji (izuzev jednog primjera) nijesu popratili samu manifestaciju pješačenja, čime je javnost bila uskraćena da vidi pješačke kolone uz kotorske bedeme i strane i NP Lovćen, a pogotovo umorna, ali srećna i ozarena, lica svih učesnika/ca. Smatramo da su ovakve manifestacije važne zbog promovisanja zdravih stilova života, novih potencijalnih turističkih aktivnosti, prirodnih ljepota zaledja Kotora i Lovćenskih padina, istorijskoh znamenitosti, a time i ukupnog turizma Crne Gore. Stoga bi nam bilo izuzetno drago da su mediji bili više zainteresovani da isprate događaj i nadamo se da će u budućnosti biti više zainteresovani za ovakve aktivnosti.

Planinarski klub Vjeverica iz Kotora se zahvaljuje sponzorima bez kojih ova manifestacija ne bi bila moguća:
- Opština Kotor
- Turisticka organizacija Kotora
- Vodovod i kanalizacija - Kotor
- Vatrogasna jedinica Kotor
- Apoteka "Vida plus", Tivat
- Nacionalni park "Lovćen"

Kao i prijateljima maratona koji su pomogli organizaciju dogadjaja:
- Normonte d.o.o. - Kotor
- Expeditio - Kotor
- profesori/ce Ljiljana Marković, Snežana Vučurović, Milan Franović i Ivan Perčin

Srdačan pozdrav,

Dragan Jovanović,
predsjednik P.K. Vjeverica


Organizacija kluba - kontakti



Predsjednik kluba:

Dragan Jovanović 
Mob. +382 (0)69 651 545 / 069 044 722


Vođenje regularnih pješačkih tura: 

Marjan Šantić, Dragan Jovanović, Branko Radulović, Goran Kocka
Mob. +382 (0)69 651 545 / 069 044 722


Vođenje zahtjevnijih pješačkih tura: 

Klaudio Katelan, Aleksandra Zečević


Organizaciona pitanja:

Janko Milutin, Tatjana Rajić
Mob: +382 (0)69 237 997



Svetlana Kikanović
Mob.+382 (0)69 685 418



Aleksandra Zečević
Mob.+382 (0)69 233 859

  Ukoliko želite da nam se obratite emailom, pišite na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Pravila i uputstva

- Pravo učešća na maratonu i polumaratonu imaju sve punoljetne, zdrave i fizički sposobne osobe.

- Pravo učešća u rekreativnoj kategoriji imaju stariji maloljetnici, punoljetne, zdrave i fizički sposobne osobe.

- Učesnikom maratona se smatra ona osoba koja se prethodno uredno prijavila organizatoru te kojoj je organizator dodijelio startni broj.

- Učesnik maratona svojim potpisom, na listi učesnika, preuzima na sebe odgovornost za ličnu bezbjednost i sigurnost.

- Učesnik mora poštovati osnovna pravila sigurnog kretanja.

- Učesnik mora postovati pravila maratona.

- Učesnik mora biti propisno odjeven i obuven.

- Učesnik mora da ponese sa sobom: vodu, mobilni telefon (prethodno napunjena baterija) i džepnu lampu.

- Zbog stalnog kontakta sa organizatorom, učesnik mora da drži mobilni telefon uključen.

- Učesnik koji prođe kontrolne tačke: Krstac, Njegošev mauzolej, Vrh polja i Žanjev Do mora se upisati u Knjigu maratona a prolaz će im biti ovjeren pečatom u učesničkom kartonu.

- Svaki učesnik maratona / polumaratona / rekreativne kategorije dobija učesnički karton u kojem se unose podaci o učesniku i startni broj i u kojem se unosi ovjera prolaza kroz kontrolne tačke. Učesnički karton sadrži i kontakt telefone organizatora a data je i mapa sa ucrtanim trasama po kategorijama.

- Svaki učesnik koji skrene sa trasa ili se ne pojavi u očekivanom vremenu na kontrolnoj tački  ili želi da odustane ili ima bilo kakve probleme mora da se, čim prije, javi organizatoru na datim mobilnim telefonskim brojevima.

- Učesnik maratona koji prvi prođe kroz cilj, a koji prethodno ovjeri prolaze na svim kontrolnim tačkama, u vremenu kraćem od 12 sati od časa polaska sa cilja, biće proglašen za pobjednika maratona. Pobjednik dobija diplomu.

- Učesnici maratona koji dođu na kontrolnu tačku Žanjev Do nakon 17:30 sati, neće moći  nastaviti maraton i za njih će biti obezbijeđen prevoz do cilja.

- Učesnici maratona koji prodju kroz cilj, dobijaju diplome.


- Any responsible, healthy and physically fit person may participate in the marathon and half marathon.

- Any responsible, healthy and physically fit person may participate in the recreation category , including both adults and young adults (teenagers aged 15 and up).

- A marathon participant is a person who is duly registered prior to the event and wearing an assigned number on a bib.

- Any person who signs the participant list takes on the responsibility for his or her personal safety and security.

- Participants must respect the basic rules of safe hiking.

- Participants must respect the rules of the marathon.

- Participants must be properly clothed and wear proper footwear.

- Participants must bring with them: water, cell phone (pre-charged battery) and a  flashlight.

- To maintain ongoing contact with the marathon organizers, participants must keep their cell phones on.

- Participants who pass check points: Krstac, Njegos mausoleum, Vrhpolja, and Žanjev Do will mark their passage in a marathon logbook that will be officialised by a stamp.  

- Each participant in the marathon, half marathon and recreational categories will receive a document to fill out and keep with them. Participants will write their name, participant number and club or town. This document will include space for stamps at checkpoints, as well as contact information for the organizers, and a map of the routes.  

- If a participant deviates from the route or does not arrive within the expected timeframe at the checkpoint, or wishes to withdraw or experiences any problems must contact the organizers by cell phone as soon as possible.

- The marathon participant who first reaches the arrival point, and whose checkpoints are all verified, who completes the entire marathon within 12 hours from the moment of departure, will be declared the marathon winner. The winner will receive a certificate.  

- Marathon participants who arrive at the Žanjev checkpoint after 17:30 will not be able to continue the marathon. They will receive transportation to the arrival.  

- All participants that arrive at destination will receive a certificate.

Hiking Marathon Kotor-Lovcen-Kotor

"Hiking Marathon Kotor-Lovcen-Kotor 2009" will be held on Saturday, the 26th of September 2009.

The objectives of the event are:
- Promoting walking and spending time outdoors in nature as part of a healthy lifestyle;
- Preservation and protection of the environment;
- Development of tourism - promoting the natural beauty of Kotor and hinterland Lovćenskih slopes;
- Getting to know and socialize with other societies in the region and abroad as well as other participants;

This event will offer an opportunity for participants to walk past famous cultural and historical monuments such as the old town of Kotor and the Saint Ivan (San Giovanni) fortress, the old Njegusi Kotor-Cetinje path and the Njegos mausoleum. Also, the path will pass through very attractive natural beauty, such as the rocky hinterland of Kotor to the wooded part of Lovcen National Park.

What makes this marathon special, among other things, is the fact that it travels from the sea to 1700 meters above sea level, and the diversity and attractiveness of the landscape.

The program will be divided into three categories: marathon, half-marathon, and recreational.

Participants will gather and divide into these three groups half an hour before departure on September 26th, at the Gurdic – the south gate of Kotor’s fortified old town. This is where the marathon run will start.

Departures of each group will be at the following times:

Marathon – 7:00 a.m.
Half-marathon – 7:30 a.m.
Recreational Group – 8:00 a.m.

All groups will finish at the same place: Tabačina (Montenegrin Pazar).

The marathon will go up to the Njegusev Mausoleum (1657 m). The half-marathon will reach Krstac (948 m), and the recreational group will reach Špiljari village (170 m).

Any healthy and physically prepared person may participate in this event.  All registered participants must: be properly dressed with proper footwear (hiking boots), practice safe hiking and walking, and bring a mobile phone with a fully charged battery and a flashlight.

Participants will pass through check points at Krstac, Njegos mausoleum Njegusi and Zanjev. They will sign into a Marathon Book, and their passage will be recorded by a special stamp.The first marathon participant to pass through all of the check points within under twelve hours will be declared the winner and will receive a special certificate.   All participants who complete the marathon, half marathon or recreational outing will receive a certificate.

You may apply to the Hiking Marathon from September 14 to 25, 2009. Please contact us with the following information:

Hiking club (if applicable):
Phone number:
E-mail address:

Please contact Dragan Jovanovic with your application information, as well as any questions about logistics or accommodation:
Mobile phone: +382 (0) 68 794 867
Fax: +382 (0) 325 107
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information about the “Squirrel Hiking Club” PK Vjeverica, please visit this web site.

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